Our next interview is with Carli who’s home is course is Crane Hill DGC. When stepping up to the first tee at her local, she reaches for her Opto Saint Pro.
She can’t do with out her Westside Longbowman. It’s consistent in the wind, great for tight hyzer lines and awesome for skip shots!
Here greatest achievement to date in disc golf is being able to put 900+ rated rounds together. Learning the game, knowing when to go for it and when to play smart.
When asked how would you grow the sport of disc golf? Carli would try to get courses into elementary, middle and high schools. If the sport is an option for youth the success of the sport will be even greater.
Name: Carli Bennett-Charron
Country: US
Home Course: Crane Hill DGC
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How did you get into disc golf and how long have you been playing?
A friend introduced me to the sport many years ago. Once I moved to New England ( 12 years ago) I did not have family or close friends nearby so I would hit the local course on my own. I have been playing regularly for the last 7 years and competitively for 5.
What is your dominant hand?
Are you Backhand or forehand dominate?
I am backhand dominate. Recently I have become more confident in my forehand approach but yet to throw it off the tee.
What was the first disc you threw and where is it now?
The first disc I ever threw was a dx beast. I lost the Disc at Crane Hill while playing solo.
Two years later after I met some local players we approached hole 15 when my friend Nate pulled out the beast I had lost years ago!
He would have returned it however the writing was so faded you couldn’t make out the phone number. So I still have it tucked away at home 🙂
You’re on the first hole at your local course, what disc do you reach for?
Opto Saint Pro!
What is your favourite course and why?
That’s an incredibly challenging question haha. For me I have to choose Brewster Ridge at Smugglers Notch in Jeffersonville, VT.
Your disc golf bag catches on fire. You can only save 3 discs, What are those discs and why?
Frost line Claymore. It’s a go to approach shot Disc for me and they discontinued that line. Luckily my wonderful husband bought me a few backups!
Opto Saint Pro- it’s my most reliable flight Disc. I use it for multiple t shots.
Truth- #haveamidrange this Disc is awesome! I use it all the time. You can rip that thing and it holds the line for days!
What is your favourite disc and why?
My favorite Disc is the Westside Longbowman. It doesn’t give me a huge distance shot but it is consistent in the wind, great for tight hyzer lines and awesome for skip shots!
What is your favourite throw to play during a round of disc golf?
My favorite throw is a technical wooded hyzer shot. It’s beautiful to watch and throw when executed.
Are you part of a league, if so what is your handicap?
“Tous Tag league Tuesday’s” – I am gifted a stroke for every par 4. If we play no par 4’s I do not receive strokes
Crane hill random doubles league, I receive 2 strokes. If paired with another female we get 4.
I also play winter team challenge where you play against the opposing teams females where you receive 0 strokes.
How many times a week do you get to play or do field work?
I play as much as possible and every week is different. My son is at an age now where I hope he will want to play more often. 🙂 I’m luckily to have met my husband on the course so we share the same love for the sport! Every chance we get we are out there.
The discs that you regularly bag are they all one manufacturer or a mix bag?
I am a huge fan of Trilogy.
My entire bag has been Westside, latitude and dynamic for a couple years now. however I recently introduced an Innova Shryke to the mix and I love the Tee bird as well.
Do you have any superstitions or quirks when on the course. Such as like flipping your disc 3 times before a putt or special hat?
I noticed before a drive I tend to swing the Disc in front a few times. I’m assuming I picked that up from watching Val Jenkins-Doss as she is my favorite female pro to watch.
What do you love about disc golf?
Discgolf has allowed me to be competitive as an adult. I love games and competition.
I also love the community! I came to New England without knowing anyone and now I’m surrounded by so many people that would do anything for each other it’s absolutely wonderful.
What part of disc golf do you find the most challenging?
The mental game. I feel when your puttings off or your throw is coming out late or early it’s all focus related. Especially when you have been playing for a number of years. But that’s what keeps us all coming back for more!
What has been your greatest achievement to date in disc golf?
I would say learning the game. Being able to put 900+ rated rounds together. it’s understanding when to go for it and when to play smart. It felt great to hit that goal!
If you could change anything about disc golf what would it be?
I wouldn’t change a thing.
If given the chance how would you grow the sport of disc golf?
I would try to get courses into elementary, middle and high schools. If the sport is an option for youth I think the success of the sport will be even greater.
If you could play any course in the world, what would that course be and who are the other three players on your card?
I would play BlueGill Discgolf course in Wayland Michigan. It looks amazing! My card would consist of my Husband, Pete Charron, Courtney “pixie” Cannon ( because she seems like a blast to play with) and Val Jenkins-Doss
What’s your embarrassing disc golf story?
I’m not really sure. I’m known for sitting down when we get to the next Tee .. this includes wet benches and logs so when I first did it and had the embarrassing wet back side that was kinda funny but now everyone just expects it!
What advice would you give to a new player starting out?
Keep at it! You won’t pick the game up unless you practice. Do not compare yourself to others and just focus on having fun and playing YOUR game.