I created this site for all the awesome people you will meet when out playing disc golf.
For the volunteers that install and maintain our local disc golf courses.
For the disc golfer who is always offering encouragement, even though you shank every shot.
For the players that offer form advice so you can better your score.
For the players that will go out of their way to return a lost disc.
So, I thought is would be interesting to interview and poll as many players to learn about them and their view on disc golf.
When I first started playing I was pretty bad at disc golf. Actually, I’m still crap at the game, but getting better. My drives always stall out and I could only sink 8 ft putts on a good day.
I played solo rounds for about four months until I meet a group of disc golfers at my local course. They obviously could see I was bad, but they still asked if I wanted to play a round.
They offered tips to correct my poor technique and gave lots of encouragement. That day I drop 18 strokes thanks to the 3 disc golfers that were kind enough to show me the basics.
With their encouragement, I joined my local club and play in the monthly league days.
I continue to meet new people on the course. It never ceases to amaze me how friendly the disc golf community is. Always helping each other out and trying to educate as many people about the game.
If you want to want to share your love for the game, start by answering these questions