Mikel an ex ultimate frisbee player has been playing solidly for the past two years and tries to throw at least 5 to 6 days a week. He recently hit his first ace and won his first tournament on a course he never played before.
If his disc golf bag was to catch on fire. He would be saving his Opto Explorer, Lucid Suspect and Prime Deputy
Name: Mikel Quillan Schildt
Country: United States
Home Course: Woodsboro DGC
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How did you get into disc golf and how long have you been playing?
I used to play ultimate frisbee with a group of friends. Slowly the group all went out own ways. I loved the feel of throwing a disc and didn’t want to stop. So me and a buddy I played with decided to start playing disc golf and the rest is history! Been playing over 2 years now but it feels so much longer.
What is your dominant hand?
Righty, but I have dabbled in left flicks when I need to pitch out of the rough.
Are you Backhand or forehand dominate?
When I started I was a forehand player, learned the form in ultimate so it felt natural. Since I’ve learned to use both.
What was the first disc you threw and where is it now?
I bought an Innova starter pack from Sports Authority before they shut down. I gave some to my dad when I started getting him into the sport.
You’re on the first hole at your local course, what disc do you reach for?
My Opto Explorer! The first hole is fairly simple shot, just needs good placement, and the Explorer delivers!
What is your favourite course and why?
My home course, Woodsboro! It’s a course that will challenge every shot in your bag. The course was created and is maintained by our club.
So I’ve spent my time mowing, clearing limbs, and keeping it classy. It’s such an experience to watch the course develop that it will always have a special place for me.
Your disc golf bag catches on fire. You can only save 3 discs, What are those discs and why?
Opto Explorer
Lucid Suspect
Prime Deputy
This combo is so versatile that you can take on almost any fairway thrown at you!
What is your favourite disc and why?
It’s so hard to pick between my Explorer and Suspect I’ll often do a quick two disc rounds with them because they have so much potential
What is your favorite throw to play during a round of disc golf?
A thumber! It’s not a shot I use often, but when I have to I just love watching the flight!
Are you part of a league, if so what is your handicap?
Fredrock, We don’t play with handicaps though.
How many times a week do you get to play or do field work?
If I don’t have anything planned disc golf usually finds a way of making plans for me! I’m doing something disc related at least 5 or 6 day’s a week.
The discs that you regularly bag are they all one manufacturer or a mix bag?
I’m a Trilogy guy and am part of Team Trilogy, Some molds in my bag are:
EMac Truth
Do you have any superstitions or quirks when on the course. Such as like flipping your disc 3 times before a putt or special hat?
I have an odd way of snapping all my fingers. The sound gets me in my zone, and I can tell if my hand is too moist or tacky if the snaps don’t feel right.
What part of disc golf do you find the most challenging?
The mental aspect. Which is also one of my favorite parts of golfing. The slightest offset in your mind frame can throw you off, and then having to recover from a bad hole will really challenge you. Being able to control yourself mentally is such an important part of the game, on and off the course.
What has been your greatest achievement to date in disc golf?
I recently just hit my first ace, which was such a surreal moment! Also winning my first tournament on a course I had never played was really amazing!
If you could change anything about disc golf what would it be?
Better live coverage of tournaments, and more inclusion of the FPO side of the field. Jomez does an incredible job with the resources available though.
If you could play any course in the world, what would that course be and who are the other three players on your card?
Maple Hill, even though I’d probably lose some plastic being risky over the waters. I’d love to tag along Paige Pierce, Eric Oakley, and A.J. Risley! They All have such great personalities that it’d be a hilarious card.
What advice would you give to a new player starting out?
Enjoy yourself. While there is a competitive side to disc golfing, it is also one of the only sports where you can go play alone, take a walk, and enjoy yourself.
Don’t get too wrapped up in being better than those around you, just enjoy yourself.