Today’s interview is with 6 x Australian Women’s Champion Cassie Sweetten, who is a 12 year veteran of the game. With a list of state title wins as long as your arm, Cassie dominates Women’s Disc Golf in Australia.
She is a member of the International Innova Champion Disc Team and the first Australian female player to be sponsored.
When asked what three discs she would save if her bag caught on fire, Cassie would scramble to save her Shryke, Road Runner and Destroyer.
Name: Cassie Sweetten
Country: Australia
Home Course: Barwon Valley Disc Golf Course
Local Club: Geelong Disc Golf
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How did you get into disc golf and how long have you been playing?
I’ve been playing now for just over 12 years. Just received my 10 year PDGA membership this year which was pretty cool to receive in the mail.
My husband Jarrath travelled to New Zealand and found the disc golf course at Queenstown Gardens. Since then we haven’t stopped playing. Alongside with our friend Andrew Ferguson we started the Geelong Disc Golf Club in 2006. Over the last 12 years is amazing to see the development of the sport here in Australia.
What is your dominant hand?
Right hand
Are you Backhand or forehand dominate?
Definitely backhand. Currently working on forehand.
What was the first disc you threw and where is it now?
My first disc was an Innova Starfire tie dye. It was a suggestion from Valarie Jenkins. Unfortunately that’s now somewhere in a lake in Bundoora in Melbourne. I lost it at an event I was playing.
You’re on the first hole at your local course, what disc do you reach for?
Hole 1 at Barwon Valley is 81m it’s a very pretty hole, down the middle of the fairway it becomes quite tight lined with trees either side of the fairway.
I’m lucky enough to have aced this hole twice with my champion Roadrunner 168g so that’s the disc I always pull out when stepping on to this tee pad but if there is a head wind my Leopard3 is my next disc of choice.
What is your favourite course and why?
In Australia my favourite course would be a toss up between Mt. Gambier Crater Lakes or I’ve recently just played the Gold Coast Byron’s Classic and the course we played on was at North Byron Parklands. (Splendour in the Grass) A long elevated course with a lots of OB. Both courses very challenging and great championship courses.
Your disc golf bag catches on fire. You can only save 3 discs, What are those discs and why?
Innova Star Shryke
Innova Road Runner
Innova Destroyer
What is your favourite disc and why?
At the moment my Innova Destroyer would be my favourite disc. Great headwind Disc. I get great distance off my drivers and I can always rely on it fading back. If you don’t have one in your bag I highly recommend getting one.
Are you part of a league, if so what is your handicap?
I play in the Geelong Disc Golf monthly Chainlinks League. Currently my handicap is sitting at 6.
How many times a week do you get to play or do field work?
I try to get out as much as I can. If not put in a course we have 3 baskets set up in our backyard so I’m out there putting and working on my form.
The discs that you regularly bag are they all one manufacturer or a mix bag?
I’m apart of the International Innova Champion Disc Team, I’m so lucky to be given the opportunity to be apart of such a supportive disc golf family. So Innova is all I throw apart from my putters I use Discmania P2’s
Do you have any superstitions or quirks when on the course. Such as flipping your disc or special hat?
Hahaha I laugh about this all the time. I can only put my bag on the right hand side of a tee pad. And Ive never played a tournament without wearing a hat but maybe that me just being sun smart haha. So weird and I don’t even know why I started doing these things but best I keep running with it.
What do you love about disc golf?
Definitely the friendships I’ve made. I’m pretty lucky to have met some really awesome crew over the last 12 years. Some of these people are now my best mates. And of course sharing the same passion as my husband is pretty cool. We get to travel places together and share the experience together. I wouldn’t change that for the world..
What part of disc golf do you find the most challenging?
The metal side of my disc golf game needs some work. I learnt this after the 2017 Aussie Open in Perth.
What has been your greatest achievement to date in disc golf?
I think being the first female in Australia to be sponsored will always be my biggest achievement. I’m very thankful and appreciative to those that reconignised my achievements and hard work over the last 12 years and wow, to be given that opportunity is just amazing.
If you could change anything about disc golf what would it be?
The amount of women playing disc golf. I ran the 2018 Women’s Global Event in Mt Gambier this year and it was amazing to see so many women at the event. Lately our numbers have dropped off at events. I just want to encourage all women in the sport to keep playing and keep pushing themselves.
If given the chance how would you grow the sport of disc golf?
I’d love to run more clinics in schools. Let’s get our kids playing disc golf. Imagine if you knew about the sport at such a young age. The places you would go and get to travel too.
If you could play any course in the world, what would that course be and who are the other three players on your card?
Memorial – Fountain Hills with Valarie Doss, Toosje Frequin and Jennifer Allen
What’s your embarrassing disc golf story?
Hahaha NSW Open 2014, My first interstate event without my husband and everything just went wrong. I ended up in emergency with Rhys kruger looking after me. Let’s not get into details but next time you speak to him ask him but yea that trip goes down in history for me . Hahaha
What advice would you give to a new player starting out?
Don’t be afraid to ask questions but most importantly have fun and be careful the sport is quite addictive.