Our next interview is with Casey. She started playing disc golf with a sonic putter and dx beast about two years ago, and was hooked when she found out other women played the sport.
She is a proud member of Team Trilogy. If her bag was to burst into flames, she would save her Deputy, Northman and the Dagger.
Her greatest achievement to date has been winning the Intermediate division at the 2018 New England Amateur Championships. No small feat, considering she had badly injured her dominate throwing hand only a few months earlier.
Name: Casey Della Penna
Country: United States
Home Course: Highlands Of Conway
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How did you get into disc golf and how long have you been playing?
I got into disc golf about two years ago after I found the community disc golf has to offer! I was hooked the second I met other women who played the sport.
What is your dominant hand?
I am actually Ambidextrous.. so both of my hands feel dominant.
Are you Backhand or forehand dominate?
I am backhand dominant, seeing as I have both hands at my disposal it takes the pressure off needing to learn a forehand shot. I do have a forehand shot, it’s just not great 😂
What was the first disc you threw and where is it now?
The first disc I threw was a Sonic Putter and a DX Beast from Innova.. I actually still have them!
You’re on the first hole at your local course, what disc do you reach for?
I constantly find myself reaching for my Northman from Westside. It’s such a great disc for those control shots in the woods and just stable enough to fight the wind on those wide open holes.
I have multiple molds just to have some variety on stability in the bag.
What is your favourite course and why?
My favorite course is a hard one to choose I have so many.. I’ll have to choose Maple Hill it’s a great glimpse of what the pros get to play, while having layouts that are attainable.
It’s super well maintained and puts on great events all year, I always look forward to making a trip up to Maple when I can!
Your disc golf bag catches on fire. You can only save 3 discs, What are those discs and why?
Ahh! But why?! Okay well.. I’d have to save my Deputy, Northman and the Dagger. Gosh that was hard!
What is your favourite disc and why?
I love my Dagger. I know it’s just a putter to most, but it’s so much more than that! It’s got glide for days, and it’s the most dependable upshot discs I’ve had the chance to bag. This disc will be a staple in my bag for a while.
What is your favourite throw to play during a round of disc golf?
I actually really enjoy throwing backhand lefty now that it’s a possibility! It’s one of those things that just puts a smile on your face when you crush one.
Are you part of a league, if so what is your handicap?
I am currently not part of any serious leagues. I am apart of a Winter Team Challenge Team 501. I love winter challenge because it keeps my skills up year round and is just generally fun 😊
How many times a week do you get to play or do field work?
I try to play a full round at least 2-3 times a week, along with putting practice daily. I hit the field twice a week for an hour to work on drives and upshots.
The discs that you regularly bag are they all one manufacturer or a mix bag?
I am a proud member of Team Trilogy so I exclusively throw molds from that family.
I have a pretty large assortment of molds from Westside Discs, Northman, Tursas, Stag, Harp, Maiden, Sword.
I have some Latitude 64 molds the Dagger, Jade, Diamond and Havoc.
I also have Dyanmic Disc molds, Marshall and the Deputy
Do you have any superstitions or quirks when on the course. Such as like flipping your disc 3 times or special hat?
I do have some “quirks” but mostly learned lessons from past experience..
I always make sure to stomp out my shoes before a drive so that I prevent slips and falls on the tee pad, I make sure to always have a dry sac on hand..no one likes a mis release!
I’ve been told that I have a super hero pose that I seem to hold “thinking the longer I hold my form the longer my disc will fly through the air!” (Of course that’s untrue)
What do you love about disc golf?:
The life lessons I’ve learned. Disc golf teaches me to be in the moment, to accept an outcome however it lies and do my best to make the next shot even better.
Words cannot express how just those two lessons have positively affected my life as a whole.
Disc golf teaches me to have confidence in myself but to be wise enough to know that I do not know all their is to know about playing disc golf. It’s an ever evolving, unbeatable game and it keeps me coming back every time.
What part of disc golf do you find the most challenging?
Putting, and I think I have that in common with most who play this game. Anyone can throw a disc off a tee pad but it’s having the ability to execute a putt is where the true skill in disc golf comes into play.
What has been your greatest achievement to date in disc golf?
My greatest achievement to date has been winning the New England Ameature Championships in the Intermediate division this year after my disabling injury this past Christmas with my dominant hand.
It was one of those moments I fought to get to, and once I was there I could only feel just proud of myself and my hard work to get back.
If you could change anything about disc golf what would it be?
The stigma attached to the sport. I hate the fact that folks who don’t know how amazing this community is look in and see a bunch of hippies throwing plastic.. boy does that push my buttons.
I have met fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, lawyers, farmers, artists, video game designers, postal drivers and nail artists… it takes all kinds and disc golf is no different. It’s full of amazing people and I’m proud to be apart of it.
If given the chance how would you grow the sport of disc golf?
I would start a campaign to get younger kids more aware and involved in the sport, especially young women! This sport needs a bright future
If you could play any course in the world, what would that course be and who are the other three players on your card?
I would have to go to Water Works Disc Golf Course and my Card would have to include the amazing Paige Pierce, Zoe Andyke, and Holly Finley
What’s your embarrassing disc golf story?
Well it’s hard to choose, I’m a klutz so I’ve fallen off tee pads and hucked plastic into the first available tree off the tee pad 😂
I was totally out of it one day at a winter team playoff, it was -13 degrees outside and we’re on the second to last hole. Everyone was putting out and I swore I had seen everyone chain in.. when I started to walk to retrieve my disc I was hit with someone’s putter!! I was profusely apologetic and felt terrible.. but hey it happens.
What advice would you give to a new player starting out?
Play as much as you can, and remember that everyone’s gotta start somewhere, so don’t be discouraged when you’re not throwing as far as the pros or your friend who just got you started..they put the time and work in and if you do you could be there too!
Play with everyone and anyone you can, challenge your skill set and try to learn from every loss or hard lie.. it’ll make you a better golfer in the end.